Preis* : 1,99 EUR R. Rashti
09-07-14 0 Aufrufe

Verpackungseinheiten (VE): 2300

Anzahl pro VE: 1

An exceptional range of nuanced colors offers attractive possibilities for the design of wall and space. Whether contrast or tone on tone. Robbi picture frames are very high quality picture frames, which are made in Germany.
- Material: high quality aluminum profile
- Anti-reflective glass
- Various colors such as gold, silver, black, red, orange, green, brown and cream sizes:
50 x 60 cm (approx. 310 pcs.)
40 x 60 cm (approx. 310 pcs.)
40 x 50 cm (approx. 230 pcs.)
30 x 40 cm (approx. 160 pcs.)
28 x 35 cm (approx. 230 pcs.)
24 x 30 cm (approx. 220 pcs.)
18 x 24 cm (approx. 450 pcs.)
13 x 18 cm (approx. 350 pcs.)
Export-price (excl. VAT) for purchase of total amount of approx. 2.300 pcs.: EUR 1.99 / pc.

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